The number's useful aspect is the rate at which it increases, so collecting the absolute number on a regular period and tracing the delta between readings reflects the rate of transaction commits. 该数字有用的地方是它增加的速率,因此定期收集它的绝对值并跟踪每次读取数据之间的增量可以反映事务提交的速率。
This recipe's code takes a multiline string and adds or removes leading spaces on each line so that the indentation level of each line of the block matches some absolute number of spaces. 这个配方中的代码,把一个多行字符串增加或移去每一行的前导空格,使得每一行的缩进级别与确定数量的空格匹配。
But the main impact comes from relative changes-the growth of one part of the population compared with another, for example, or shifts in the average age of the population-rather than the absolute number of people. 但是主要的负面影响来自于人口的相对变化而不是绝对数量:例如人口一部份相对于另一部份增长,或是人口平均年龄改变。
But apart from just being able to get the ratio, we can get the absolute number. 但是除了可以得到这个比值之外,我们也可以得到绝对数值。
Though the absolute number of students signing up to take the examination is increasing, the rate of increase dropped precipitously this year compared with last year, according to data provided by the Ministry of Education. 据教育部的有关数据显示,尽管今年的绝对报考人数仍有增加,但与去年相比,增幅有明显下降。
Priorities must be made according to what the government can afford and where its highest potential lies, rather than the absolute number of people that can benefit from such research. 优先权只能依据政府所能拿得出来的钱的数额以及这笔钱所能发挥的最大潜在作用来确定,而不是依据所能从研究中获益的绝对人数。
It says rapid population growth and a bulge in the number of young people means the absolute number of people in Africa living in dire poverty may remain broadly constant. 该报告说,人口的快速增长和众多的年轻人意味着生活在贫困线以下的非洲人口的绝对数量可能会大致保持稳定。
If we go on with'business as usual'the absolute number of people who do not have access to modern energy services will not fall in the next few decades& an unacceptable outcome. 如果我们继续“一切照常”下去,不能获取现代能源服务的绝对人数在未来几十年将不会下降&这是一个让人无法接受的结果。
China is still among the top five countries in the world in terms of the absolute number of child deaths under the age of five. 中国在五岁以下儿童死亡的绝对数字仍然排在世界前五位。
They also suggest that, as development has spread, there has been a steady fall in the proportion of the world's population in extreme poverty, although also a rise in the absolute number up to1980. 他们还认为,随着发展范围的扩大,极端贫困人口在全球人口中所占比例一直在稳步下降,尽管截至1980年,极端贫困人口的绝对数量也曾有过一次上升。
The surgery should be defined by the minimal incision length required to remove a gland of a given size and should not be based on an absolute number. Daly博士说,微创手术的定义应当以切除特定大小的腺体所需要的最短切口长度来制定,而不是基于切口的绝对长度。
The final rank combines the absolute number of publications with the number of publications adjusted for faculty size. 最终排名综合了文章发表总数与按商学院师资规模调整后的文章发表数目。
HPV DNA testing already has a poor positive predictive value, especially in younger girls, they point out, and the absolute number of true positive tests would decrease substantially in this scenario. 他们指出,HPVDNA检验的阳性预测值已经不高,特别是对年轻的女性,在这种情况下,真阳性检验的绝对数目将会显著降低。
Markets do not like surprises and can be frustrated with volatility upon subsequent revisions to the numbers published, even though significance of the absolute number diminishes with each passing month. And it wasn't just ice cream, was it? 市场不喜欢惊喜,也不喜欢波动或之后做出调整。这惊喜还不仅是冰淇淋,对吗?
An error with a few percentage points can result in great difference in absolute number. 几个百分点的推算误差得出的研究结论就会产生很大的绝对数量差异。
According to absolute number of population, it is still a relatively smaller nationality of a population scale. 从人口绝对数来看,仍是一个人口规模相对较小的民族。
The content of relative number analysis is supplemented on the basis of perfecting absolute number. 在完善绝对数分析的基础上,补充了相对数分析内容。
The main characteristic of the urbanization is that both absolute number and relative number of urban population are increasing accordingly. 城市化的主要特征是城市人口无论是绝对数,还是相对数都在增长。
The high percentage of unemployment in China lies in the following causes: ( 1) the absolute number of population and workforce far exceeds the current economic development scale of our country; 我国高比例失业人口存在的主要原因:一是人口和劳动力的绝对量远远超过我国现有的经济发展规模;
The proportion and absolute number of NK cell increased significantly in the labor onset group. NK细胞百分数和绝对数均显著增加。
It is reported by Ministry of Communications that both absolute number and proportion of our country's traffic accidents are highest in the world. 据我国交通部报道,由于驾驶疲劳造成的交通事故无论是绝对数字还是所占比例都是最高的。
Although there is no absolute number of advantages for Germany in two European organizations for standardization, but it still has a big influence. 德国在两大欧洲标准化组织中尽管没有绝对的数量优势,但仍有很大影响力。
For historical and practical reasons, concrete structures in existing and new buildings are occupying an absolute number of percentages in China. 在中国,由于历史和现实的原因,混凝土结构在已有和新建房屋仍然占有绝对的比例。
Under normal circumstances, the number of T cells and subsets in the surrounding tissue is relatively stable, the change of absolute number and ratio of the total number of T cells or subsets can be regarded as immune abnormalities and the occurrence and development of certain diseases. 正常情况下,T细胞及各亚群数目在周围组织中相对稳定,T细胞总数或其亚群的绝对数和比值发生改变,可视为免疫异常,并与某些疾病的发生和发展相关。
In China, lung cancer incidence and prevalence of the absolute number are the first rate in the world. 中国的肺癌发病率及患病绝对人数均占全世界的第一位。
At present, this kind of labor is also used in our country enterprises. And the absolute number and the scope of application are keeping expanding. 目前,我国的企业也普遍使用了劳务派遣员工,且绝对数量和使用范围在不断扩大。
Through the approach of principal component analysis, this paper makes a positive research about the P& C insurance solvency in China, finding that it has a significant correlation with 10 internal and external factors, no correlation with the absolute number of the scale of companies. 通过运用主成分分析法对我国财险业偿付能力进行实证研究,认为我国财险公司偿付能力与10个内外影响因素具有显著相关性,但与公司规模的绝对数量不存在相关关系。